Endorsements for “Christ’s Kingdom Commission”
What does a missionary, raised in the freedoms of America, say to believers living under suppressive governments inflicting various degrees of persecution and contempt on them? Do we have any right to instruct them in areas where we have no personal experience? David Andersen reminds us in his book that we do indeed! He demonstrates from Scripture that every church leader, in every nation has the responsibility to teach and model what is of “first” priority—to pray for kings and authorities. I am energized to apply this truth in my service to the church leaders on our field. I am confident that it will encourage them to both please and obey God, who is the One able to bring kings and authorities to salvation through the knowledge of the truth!
David Andersen highlights an often forgotten emphasis of New Testament missions: the church’s prayers for and evangelization of civil rulers in major cities. In our individualistic culture, we have tended to neglect the strategic importance of influencing society as a whole through its leaders – not merely by political action but by the divinely powerful means of prayer and the Word. Pastors, church planters, missionaries, and all Christians devoted to prayer will find much food for thought in this stimulating treatise.
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Grand Rapids, MI
Christ’s Kingdom Commission by David J. Andersen is a well written, thoughtful, and most importantly, a biblical approach to evangelism and world missions. Although the strategy set forth in this book may at first seem novel, it is not. Rather, it is a biblical strategy that has simply been forgotten. Based upon the labors of the Apostle Paul and the early church, Brother Andersen shows us that we need to take the gospel to “kings and all who are in authority” (I Timothy 2:2) with boldness, love, and compassion. The world will not be changed by political conservative movements, but by men and women who go “to and fro weeping, carrying their bag of seed.” It is only the faithful gospel witness who shall “come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:6). This insightful book stands upon the belief that the gospel is the power of God (Romans 1:16) that is able to save the pauper and the king, and to transform an entire nation!
HeartCry Missionary Society
Radford, VA
To say that I have enjoyed this book is an understatement. It is biblical, thought provoking, insightful and inspiring. Some things in the Scripture are obvious and some seem not to be – but – once you look become obvious. The Great Commission not only establishes a mission but also a strategy as revealed by the careful study of God’s Word done by David Andersen in his book Christ’s Kingdom Commission – It is exciting is to see how the Apostles in general and Paul in particular embrace this commission by employing the strategy of the Great Commission in where they would go for evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Read it! You will enjoy it and my guess is that your ministry strategy to fulfill the Great Commission will be significantly enhanced.
Briarwood Presbyterian Church
Birmingham, AL
Our God cares about the souls of our political leaders and so should we. Drawing from I Timothy 2:1-4 and other relevant Scripture, Christ’s Kingdom Commission instructs us in how to pray for and seek the salvation of those God has sovereignly placed in authority over us. It is biblically rich and theologically faithful. Read it and then do what it says.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Wake Forest, NC
There is no greater spiritual power than the power of prayer and no greater spiritual transformation in heart and mind than salvation in Jesus Christ. In Christ’s Kingdom Commission, David Andersen’s timely and thorough biblical exploration of this reality, the author invites us to remember these truths as we prayerfully seek to impact and evangelize leaders of our governments, both here and abroad. Andersen inspires us to embrace as our personal commission the praying for and practical ministry to these often vulnerable leaders. My prayer library has literally hundreds of books on various prayer related themes, but none on this vital subject. Christ’s Kingdom Commission is clearly a practical and prophetic manual for this desperate and urgent hour.
Every Home for Christ
Colorado Springs, CO
David Andersen’s book, Christ’s Kingdom Commission is a scholarly and well-written analysis of the Biblical strategy of sharing the faith by focusing on reaching leaders in capital cities. The book has certainly been an encouragement for our ministry’s work of reaching Members of Congress with the gospel.
D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship
Washington, DC
When I first heard David Andersen preach on 1 Timothy 2:1-4, I hoped that one day he would put his thoughts into written form. David has the proper grasp of prayer, and its significance for our leaders. In addition, he has spent years searching the Old and New Testaments to support this Pauline mandate he so passionately writes and preaches about. So it is my honor to endorse David’s book, Christ’s Kingdom Commission as both a complete exegetical and practical guide to praying for and reaching the leaders God has put in places of government. What encourages me most about this book is David’s emphasis on the salvation of these leaders. Just as the early church was used of God to reach many government officials, so today David exhorts us, we must target these God-ordained leaders with the gospel of grace. I pray that God uses David’s thoughts in a powerful way to encourage the church of the 21st century to reach their government officials with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ.
Virginia Beach Theological Seminary
Virginia Beach, VA
As an adjunct professor, a student of the Word and pastor for more than three decades, I was greatly impressed with the exegesis as well as the history that David provided in his book, Christ’s Kingdom Commission. The emphasis on capital cities and national leaders is seen throughout the Bible. It is a strategy that clarifies the great commission to be more than concentric geographic circles. It is not new but David uncovers something in his research that seems to have been overlooked by most.
Capitol Commission
Raleigh, NC
Weary of the belief that positive change in our nation’s political climate requires red-faced anger and endless shouting? David Andersen’s book, Christ’s Kingdom Commission, provides a much welcomed and biblical path for the serious citizen. Making the case for responsible involvement, Andersen proceeds to lay out the genuinely effective means for those who heed the Master’s exhortation that we are to be salt and light in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation. This is a book you will read, keep, and purchase for others.
International Mission Board
Southern Baptist Convention
Richmond, VA
Weary of all of the attacks on our political leaders from both sides, not only by the news outlets, but also by conservative Christians? David Andersen has an idea. Why not follow the biblical instruction instead. Andersen carefully and exegetically surveys both the Old and New Testaments to demonstrate that our responsibility as Christians to our civil leaders is two-fold: (1) Pray for them; and (2) Take every opportunity to preach God’s Word to them. God’s agenda for the spread of the Gospel usually involved the capital cities and the governmental officials. Though brief, this is a significant book that Christians need to read.
Shepherds Theological Seminary
Cary, NC
The narrative of Acts unfolds along a strategic purpose—to steer the gospel into politically significant cities. Even though I pastor a church in Washington, D.C., I’d never seen this New Testament theme addressed until reading Christ’s Kingdom Commission. Andersen helps you understand that there is a strategy to missions that is modeled in Acts and alluded to in the Epistles, and it is all for the glory of God to the world. He avoids the errors of Keller, but he does so without neglecting this important theme. Reading this book will help you look at the map more like Paul, and that will affect your love for missions.
Immanuel Bible Church
Springfield, VA
I have known David Andersen for more than seventeen years. He is a passionate man. He is passionate about prayer and the Word of God. Within a few pages you will begin to experience his passion, and eighty pages later it will be your passion as well. But it won’t be a passion for prayer in general, but very specifically for the political leaders of our nation and the nations of the world. When the church is ignited with this passion, who knows, God just might bring revival through political leaders. That is my prayer for our nation, and this book has been a stimulus backed by the promises of God. And His promises will not fail. IN GOD WE TRUST!
Capitol Commission
Raleigh, NC